Jacob Andes
Jacob Andes - Software Engineer



I'm Jacob, a software engineer with experience across the stack, and a passion for Front End development. I love finding creative solutions to complex problems and creating beautiful, reliable, and responsive web applications.

When I'm not coding, you can find me spending time with my dogs, listening to music, going to see concerts, reading, taking care of my plants and bonsai, watching hockey, or clumsily playing hockey in the Kraken Adult Hockey League.


Daily Usage

  • Typescript

  • Emotion

  • React

  • Next.js

  • Redux Toolkit

  • Storybook

  • React Testing Library

  • Jest

  • Kotlin

  • Ktor

  • Java

  • Spring Boot

  • Ruby

  • Ruby on Rails

  • RSpec

  • Capybara

  • PostgreSQL

  • AWS

  • GitLab

  • Google

  • Figma

  • DataDog

  • Postman

  • Plausible

  • Notion

Worked With

  • styled-components


  • jQuery

  • RTK Query

  • Python

  • Flask

  • FastAPI

  • Express.js

  • MongoDB

  • SQLite

  • SQL

  • Terraform

  • Terragrunt

  • Vercel

  • Heroku

  • Auth0

Experimented With

  • Django

  • RabbitMQ

  • Celery

  • Rust

  • Go

  • Docker

  • Nx

Jacob Andes at T-Mobile Park with the 2023 Winter Classic ice rink in the background.